e-Cabinet for Suppliers

Dear suppliers,

Welcome to the main page of the supplier’s electronic account in the MedData information and analytical system, which is an in-house development of the State Enterprise “Medical Procurement of Ukraine”.

On the "SUPPORT" page, you can view or download in PDF format:
- in case you are the winner of the procurement tender: "Guide to using the supplier's account" in which you will find how to complete the necessary steps in the MedData system to conclude and execute the contract.
- in case you are qualified to participate in the e-catalog system: "Instructions for adding products to the e-catalog via MedData" where you will receive advice on how to correctly upload products into the system so that they appear on the Prozorro Market

For technical support or work with the site, please contact the technical support service at +38 (044) 350 05 34 or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.